
  Fred McFeely Rogers   Fred McFeely Rogers was born on March 20, 1928, in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He was an only child until the age of 11 when his parents, James and Nancy, adopted a baby girl. He studied at Latrobe High School, Rogers enrolled at Dartmouth College, for a year before transferring to Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. Rogers, who'd begun playing the piano at a young age, graduated magna cum laude in 1951 with a degree in music composition. He earned his divinity degree in 1962, and at his ordination the Presbyterian Church asked him to serve children and families through television. Rogers made his first appearance the following year as Mister Rogers on a Canadian Broadcast System show called Misterogers. The program helped lay the groundwork in its look and approach for Rogers' later show. Rogers married Joanne, whom he'd met at Rollins, wanted to raise their two young sons. Soon, the Rogers family was back in Pittsburgh, where Ro...

Speech Plagiarism

Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good morning, everyone , first of all   let us offer thanks for the presence of Allah SWT because of His mercy we can gather in this place in good health. Also for all of you, my beloved friend,   I thank you for giving the opportunity for me to deliver a speech in front of you. Hello, My Name is Alyaa Nur Azizah , I’m from 3SA03 Gunadarma University. My speech is talked about, Plagiarism. I'm sure all of you already know   What plagiarism is. Am i right yes? So, plagiarism is one things thats always happends when we are want to write, such as; paper, essay, journal, scientific writing or post something. But as we have know In this modern era, we can access anything through the sophistication of existing technology. Such as looking for some ideas, learning about something we have never known before, looking for information etc. But there is also a negative side from the technological sophistication that exists. Plagiarism is one of the...

Plagiarism and kind of Plagiarism

In this modern era, we can access anything through the sophistication of existing technology. Such as looking for some ideas, learning about something we have never known before, looking for information etc. But there is also a negative side from the technological sophistication that exists. Plagiarism is one of the negative side. Many people usually copy anything without telling the source they copy. this can be a bad habit, because they are dishonest. Even though we know that the idea is hard to come by. but not infrequently there are still those who like to do it. In KBBI Plagiarism is the taking of essays, opinions and so on of others and making it as if it were his own writing, for example publishing other people's writing on his own behalf; plagiarism.   According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to " plagiarize " means: ·          "to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own ·   ...

Sejarah Public Speaking

Public Speaking sebelumnya dikenal dengan istilah Retorika. Retorika ῥήτωρ, rhêtôr, orator, teacher (dalam Bahasa Yunani) pertama kali ada pada jaman Yunani Kuno SM. Retorika adalah seni berkomunikasi secara lisan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang kepada sejumlah orang secara langsung bertatap muka. Atau sering disamakan dengan istilah pidato. retorika adalah sebuah teknik pembujuk-rayuan secara persuasi untuk menghasilkan bujukan dengan melalui karakter pembicara, emosional atau argumen (logo). Menurut kaum sofis yang terdiri dari Gorgias, Lysias, Phidias, Protagoras dan Socrates akhir abad ke 5 SM, Retorika memberikan suatu kasus lewat bertutur , yang mengajarkan orang tentang keterampilan berbicara dan   menemukan sarana persuasif yang objectif dari suatu kasus. Para ahli menganggap retorika kalau dilihat dari tinjauan komunikasi maka disebut “speech of communication” atau “public speaking” Para ahli menganjurkan pentingnya mempelajari “public speaking”, apalagi and...