Created by : Alyaa Nur Azizah Denia Agyta Larasati Panorama World Panorama is franchise outlet that serves as a provider of travel and leisure products offered by Panorama Group. The unique of the business format and the opportunity to benefit the franchise that comes from the strength of the brand. Strong marketing support, technology, the training human resources, franchising, manual sharing experience and professional help,these features ensure the power position of the Panorama as the franchisor, the sole provider of leading travel with other franchise opportunity. Panorama World has 29 outlets franchise operating in Jakarta, Bandung, Cilegon, Lampung, Manao, Palembang, Surabaya, Malang, Solo, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Medan, and Batam. Subsidiaries Panorama JTB Tours Focusing on wholesale production and distribution of leisure management programs Services Flight reservation ...